Our last talk for this unit was presented by Melissa Jordan and Anna Ilsley, both ex long road students.
After Long Road Melissa did an Art Foundation at Chelsea, after this she completed a two year Masters degree, again at Chelsea. In the presentation we noticed that she uses a lot of dyes, varnishes and wax as her main materials. Jordan explained that she especially likes the consistency and the flexibility of the materials that she often uses. As one of her first major final pieces at Chelsea, she created an instillation piece consisting of a large amount of Lard on a large table, surrounded by constantly operating Hair Dryers, as the Guests watched the lard began to melt and form interesting and flowing shapes and forms.
Melissa's work often involves both the inside and outside of the pieces she creates, linking these together with inner lighting effects or constant changies, often this inlvoves the melting of wax, which flows from the inside of the pieces creating interesting forms and colour changes. Melissa frequently uses photocopied images which she manipulates and repeates for a surreal and fasinating effect.
Anna Ilsey did a NVQ at Long Road, before doing a foundation course at Norwich in Fine Art. She used mostly found metrials and objects in her early years. Anna especially liked using varnish and 'slidy materials' that collided together. Anna then decided that she needed to change the focus of her work and became heavily involved with sketchy, almost surreal drawings, which she then paintes from later, using mostly oil, applied with both brushes and fingers. she has not exhibited many of her works, yet is currently working on a commission and has sold quite a few paintings.
It was very interesting to hear from both artists about their experiences in the Art world and theiur use of materials and I think their advice and works will help and inspire us and our work in the near and distant future.
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